Friday Reads 5/31/2024

It's Friday, and I have the day off! I had some dental work done this morning. I would have taken the day off for that anyway, but I had to take a day off to make up for Monday's holiday. I have Monday's off anyway, and since I got paid for Monday, I have to take a day off to avoid overtime. Today is that day! It's just past noon and my day is wide open! The weather is perfect for reading and napping. Yay!

The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoevsky - I just got through a 2 chapter long speech by a guy with tuberculosis about not taking life for granted. That was kind of rough, not gonna lie. I'm about 2/3 through the book, and I'm slowly getting it done.

Lore Olympus, Volume One by Rachel Smythe - Does anyone know how to procounce Smythe? I've read this before, but I want to carry on with the series, so I decided to reread it. It's a graphic novel, so it won't take long. I'll probably knock it out this afternoon. I love the art in this series.

A History of the World in Twelve Shipwrecks by David Gibbins - I love that this nonfiction book doesn't have a subtitle. It's not needed really. I am planning to start this today. Woohoo!

My weekend is kind of busy. After work on Saturday, I have a dance rehearsal. The girls dance in service Sunday morning. I have chores to do Sunday afternoon and then I have a college graduation party in the evening. Monday is not as busy as I thought. I have a nail appointment and a bell rehearsal. I will have reading time.

In the event that I finish the shipwreck book, I will most likely pick up this one:

To Fetch a Thief by Spencer Quinn - This is the next book on my 10 oldest books challenge. It shouldn't take as long to read it as it has taken to manage to pick it up. Lol.

What are you reading?