July 2024 TBR

Ok wow. July is in just a few days. I have really not put a lot of thought into what I'm planning to read in July, so I will be winging it here.

Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb - Since I still have 500 pages left of this one, I probably won't be finishing it in June. I'm 200 pages in and enjoying it. Our main character has an ability to speak to animals with his mind. This ability is thought to be witchcraft, so he has to hide it. In this book he's bonded with a wolf cub. Since this is not my first rodeo with Robin Hobb, I already know not to get attached to the wolf as he is most likely going to die. I can't believe I'm reading this.

Bless Your Heart by Lindy Ryan - I checked this out from the library. I've heard it's fantastic, but I am hesitating. I am way behind on my reading of books on my shelves. I really need to catch up on that. But this one probably won't take that long to read. So it sits there while I hem and haw.

Astoria: John Jacob Astor and Thomas Jefferson's Lost Pacific Empire by Peter Stark - This is the next book on my 10 books from my shelf challenge. After this, there are 3 books left. Woohoo!

After this, I'm not sure. I know I need to read more books from my shelves. I have about 22 books left from my challenge list, which is ahead of schedule, actually.

I'm kind of feeling like reading some mysteries maybe. Summer is the time for fast-paced, quick reads. Hot weather makes my patience run thin. Please ignore the fact that I am currently reading a 600+ page fantasy.