Friday Reads 7/5/2024

Welp. Here we are. I know it's Friday because I have been marking the days on the wall of the cave I am trapped in. I'm being dramatic, but it doesn't seem far from the truth. I am not allowed out of my room until my Covid test comes back negative. My intrepid jailer brings medicine and food and then runs away. Luckily, I'm not too sick to read.

I have finished 3.5 books in the last 4 days. I am trying to make sure they aren't too mentally taxing, so they go pretty quickly. I'm about to finish the last book that is in my room. I know my hubby will say, "I'll bring you whatever book you want." but I don't know what I want. I tend to stand in front of my shelves and be moved. I might have to have him send me pictures of my shelves.

All that is to say, I don't know what I'm planning to read. Here is the only one I'm sure of:

Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives by Gretchen Rubin - This is the one I'm halfway through. I will most likely have it finished by dinner. It's about how to build good habits and break bad habits. It's enlightening. I really like Gretchen Rubin. This is one of the 10 oldest books on my TBR and it meets the Reading Challenge prompt to read a book whose title starts with the letter B.

What happenes next will be a surprise to all of us.