Friday Reads 7/19/2024

It's cliche because it's true - why is it already July 19? Not that I am too upset, since I abhor summer, but the time - it is slipping.

Let's talk about my reading plans for the week.

The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow - I'm about halfway through this one. It's really two books in one, but they intertwine. In one story, we have January Scaller who is the ward of a wealthy man who has an Anthropological Society that collects artifacts from around the world. Her mom died in childbirth and her father is one of the collectors of the artifacts. At 17 her father dies and her world falls apart. In the other story, we have Adelaide Lee who met a young man who walked through a doorway from another world when she was 15. They hung out for a day, then he went back. Eventually, she goes out into the wide world to find more doors and see if she can find him again. The chapters cut back and forth between the two storylines. I'm really enjoying it. The twists are twisting. The villains are villaining. It's good.

The Reappearance of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson - This one is long and I'm not reading it very quickly. It has library holds, so I probably won't get it finished before it's due back. Rachel Price disappeared 16 years ago leaving a husband and 2-year-old daughter. Now that daughter is 18 and her father has decided to allow a documentary film crew come do a film about the disappearance. Rachel is tired of talking about. She doesn't remember it. She doesn't remember her mother. She just wants to graduate and get out of town. And then her mom turns up. She's bedraggled and confused and can't say what happened or where she's been for 16 years. I like it, but not enough to take it home and really get serious about finishing it.

What Stalks Among Us by Sarah Hollowell - This is a YA horror novel about two kids who ditch the school trip to go through a corn maze. Where they find themselves. I mean, there are other versions of them in the maze. They've done this before. And they've died every time. It's pretty gory, but it's YA so it's not over the top. I hope.

I hope to finish 10,000 Doors this weekend. It's kind of a busy weekend, but maybe I can squeeze it in. After that, I'll take a peek at my shelves and see if anything jumps off and says, "Read me next!"

What are you reading?