Friday Reads 9/20/2024

I hear it's Friday. Time for Friday Reads. I'm really sleepy today, so I'm kind of flaky. We had a thunderstorm right when I needed to take a shower last night, so I had to wait until it passed. I had to be at work early this morning, so I am very sleepy today.

Let's talk about books! I am reading a couple, so let's do it.

Any Person Is the Only Self by Elisa Gabbert - This is basically my work reading right now. It's a bunch of essays about books and reading. I heard about it on a podcast and it just came out in June. My copy looks a little worn, so the publish date surprised me. I've read about a quarter of it and I am liking it so far.

The Turner House by Angela Flournoy - I started this last night. I only read the prologue, but I like the writing so far. I wasn't sure I was ready for a book about siblings having to figure out what to do with the house their parents lived in for 50+ years. The writing has cleared my fears. It might be a hard subject, but Flournoy is skilled. This book meets the challenge to read a book that is the author's debut. It also is one of the 10 oldest books on my shelves.

I still have two books on my TBR for September. 10 days left. It could happen.

Interior Chinatown by Charles Yu - After The Turner House I may need some lighter fare. This is about an actor in Hollywood that thinks of himself as a side character in his own life: Asian Man. Those are the parts he's getting in films, and he takes on the identity, but he wants to break into leading role status.

Catfishing on Catnet by Naomi Kritzer - I really enjoyed the first one, Catfishing on Catnet, and this has been hanging around my shelves for a few years. Also, it's short, so I have a better chance of finishing it.

That's what I've got for this week. Happy reading!