Friday Reads 10/4/2024

Friday once again! Let's talk books.

The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton - This is the last book on my 10 Oldest Books on My TBR list. It has 850 pages, so it will not likely be finished in one month. Especially since it is a rather tall book as well, so each page takes longer to read. According to Goodreads, I read 168 pages of this at some point in the past. I remember starting it, but I don't remember getting that far. I obviously started over from the beginning, which is a good thing because there is a dead guy I don't remember from my first go. It is suddenly much more interesting.

Jean Harlow and the Legend of Stonefish Creek by Jes McCutchen - I am reading this in order to interview the author at the end of the month. I'm 25% in and I'm enjoying it. Strange things are afoot in this town. I'm not even sure what we're dealing with yet, but the kids are believable and the story is intriguing.


A Dark and Drowning Tide by Allison Saft - So okay, yes, I'm reading another library book. This is YA fantasy by an author I have loved in the past. Also, it's the November book club book for the online book club I want to participate in. I've read about 10% and I like our main character, so that's a good start.

If I'm going to get anywhere on my goals, I should probably also start another book from my challenges. I'm thinking Fatal Enquiry is the way to go here.

Fatal Enquiry by Will Thomas - This is book number 6 in the series and where I left off reading. I love these books. And I'm not just saying that because I'm friends with the author. They are truly fun and funny. This is a book from my shelves and will meet the Booklist Queen prompt to read a historical mystery.

That seems like plenty to get me through the week. It might be a little too ambitious, but it's whatever.