Friday Reads 8/8/14
Ugh! This week! Ever have one of those weeks where you barely get a minute to sit down, let alone read anything? And when you do start to read something, you fall asleep immediately? That was me this week. I didn't get a lot of reading done, but I finished 2 books I was working on. The Round House by Louise Erdrich and Buried in Books by Julie Rugg.
So currently, I'm working on:
I am considering not even showing you this anymore. Just know that until you hear otherwise, I am slowly conquering this beast.
I am a little further through this one, now. Actually, I'm about 2/3 through it. Not too shabby.
Here's one you haven't seen before. It's a non-fiction account of the phenomena during the late 19th/early 20th centuries of rich American girls who are trying to break into the snobby New York social scene going to marry impoverished English Lords. I am considering using this for my library book club as a pairing with another book. Pretty good so far.
This is actually pretty optimistic considering how my August is going. We shall see what gets read.
What are your reading plans?