August 25, 2014

Bout of Books 11.0 Wrap-up

The Bout of Books 11.0 Read-a-thon is officially over. Let's see how I did, shall we?

My goal was to read 4 books. Well, with my schedule rearrangement, that was not going to happen. I did read West With the Night by Beryl Markham for book club. I started the other book I said I was going to try to read, but I lost interest so I put it down.

I then finished The American Heiress by Daisy Goodwin. I only had about 30% of it left (I was reading it on my Kindle, hence the percentage vs. page count), so that isn't like completing a full book.

I also read Jane Austen: An Illustrated Treasury by Rebecca Dickson. This is a fun little thing. It's basically a biography and overview of her books, but it has lots of sidebars and pictures that make it really interesting. It also has little wax paper envelopes bound into it that contain little copies of pictures of Austen and copies of some of her letters, etc. It's a cute trick.

I started a few other books and then abandoned them as not what I was looking for. I also read 90 pages in The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker for the library book club next week.

So, I did and I didn't complete the read-a-thon. I didn't meet my book goal, but maybe if you add up all the parts of random books that I read, it would equal 4 books.

I don't feel too bad about it. A wrench was thrown into my works. Life happens.
