August 27, 2014

A-Z Books

I stole this from Book Tube. I don't even know where it started, but it is all over the place over there. It looked like fun, so here it is.

A - Author you've read the most - That's probably Janet Evanovich. I've read about 22 of her books. I can't think of another author I've read that many from.

B - Best Sequel Ever -

More Book Lust

More Book Lust by Nancy Pearl - I like reading about books just as much as I like reading books.

C - Currently Reading -


The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker and I'm trying to read Jane Austen Women, Politics and the Novel by Claudia L. Johnson, but it's pretty intelligent. By which I mean, over my head. Right now I'm going to keep trying, but I may have to give it up until I have more a brain.

D - Drink of Choice While Reading - Eh. Whatever. Tea, coffee, soda, whatever is hanging around.

E - E-reader of Physical Book - Probably physical book, but I don't have anything against e-readers except when I need to make notes or bookmark certain parts. It's just not as easy as a paper book.

F - Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Dated in High School - To be really honest, probably George Wickham. Yeah, I was not a good chooser. And to be honest, he isn't exactly right because I liked boys who looked bad, not the ones that hid their badness under an acceptable exterior.

G - Glad You Gave This Book A Chance -

In the Woods

In The Woods by Tana French. My friend Leslie pressured me to read this one, and she was right. It's fantastic.

H - Hidden Gem -

Nerd Girl

Nerd Girl Rocks Paradise City by Anne Thomas Soffee. This is a memoir of her life in L.A. during the early 90's. She went there to be the next great rock and roll journalist. Unfortunately, by the time she got there, the hair band phenomenon she went to write about was dying out and rock magazines were shutting down.

I - Important Moment in Your Reading Life - Probably when my 3rd grade teacher read Jane Eyre to us. I asked for a copy for my birthday and read it over and over.

J - Just Finished - Jane Austen: An Illustrated Treasury.

K - Kinds of Books You Won't Read - I don't know that there are any I won't read. I'm not a fan of erotica or horror, so I avoid them, but if there is a really fabulous book in those genres, I might try it.

L - Longest Book You've Ever Read - Probably War and Peace by Leo Tostoy. Several years ago, I had a goal to read a giant book each month. I think that is the largest one.

M - Major Book Hangover Because Of - Gosh, I don't know. Maybe All Roads Lead to Austen by Amy Elizabeth Smith

N - Number of Bookcases You Own - five full size bookcases and two short ones.

O - One Book You've Read Multiple Times -



P - Preferred Place to Read - My big comfy chair in my living room. However, my dog thinks that means play time. So I have a wonderful chair in my room I can hide in.

Q - Quote That Inspires You - I got nothing.

R - Reading Regret - Danse Macabre by Laurell K. Hamilton. The only book I've ever physically thrown.

S - Series You've Started and Need to Finish and All The Books Are Out - All of them. I have a tendency to read the first book in a series and not ever getting around to reading the rest.

T - Three All Time Favorite Books - Pride and Prejudice, The Thirteenth Tale, Jane Eyre

U - Unapologetic Fangirl For... - Jane Austen

V - Very Excited for This Release -

Prince Lestat

Prince Lestat by Anne Rice, which, I hope this is not the actual cover. Boring.

W - Worst Bookish Habit -

Getting way more library book than I can ever hope to read.

X - X Marks The Spot (27th book on your shelf) -

The Last Empress

The Last Empress by Anchee Min

Y - Your Lastest Book Purchase -


IQ84 by Haruki Murakami

Z - ZZZ-Snatcher Book (book that kept you up too last) -

The Novel Cure

The Novel Cure by Ella Bertoud