Holland Hall Book Fair Book Haul
My daughter and I braved the wintry conditions to get to the once-a-year book fair at Holland Hall School. I haven't been able to go to this thing for years, so I was really excited that she wanted to go with me.
Here's what we got:
Hers first.
The 3rd and 4th books in the Vladimir Tod series. This is a story about a high school boy who is half vampire and is hunted by bad vampires. It's cute.
I told her this is about a Siamese cat who solves mysteries. She wanted mysteries.
It looks like a cat fantasy book. Right up the kid's alley. Also, it's by Diana Wynne Jones who wrote Howl's Moving Castle which she likes.
Her brother really liked this one, so she decided to try it.
Now for mine:
I've never read anything by Sarah Waters, so I thought I'd give it a go.
Another Chet and Bernie! Love that dog.
So, okay. This book came out about 6 months ago. It's still in hardcover for $27 at the store. So when I saw it at the book fair for $3, I snapped it up. Historical fiction about the Hapburgs. Woot!
So that's our book haul. Can't wait for next year!