May 13, 2015

Top Five Wednesday 5/13/15

[Top Five Wednesday] is a group on Goodreads that provides blog post topics. This week's topic is: Book Covers That Remind Me of Summer.

In looking over my book titles, it occurs to me that I appear to not be terribly attracted to summery book covers. This is not surprising to me.

So, I'm going to do two lists. The first one is books that remind me of summer because of some vague summery something on the covers. Yellow or orange or something that reminds me of the sun.


I am Number Four

You can buy happiness

Heat Rises


This second list will be things that are supposed to remind me of summer. I don't have an interest in these books, but they have obviously summery covers.

In Too Deep

The Accidental Bestseller

Summer House

Small Acts of Kindness

Please note that those two covers are the same picture, but reversed. Just another entry in my cover trends project.

Summer by the Sea
