July 2016 Wrap Up
Woo Hoo! July was a good reading month. Thank you 24 in 48 readathon! I can't wait to recap this month for you, so let's get to it!
Here is what was on my July TBR:
Hold Tight Don't Let Go by Laura Rose Wagner - Check!! I really liked this story about a girl in Haiti who loses everyone special in her life, one by one. It's equally heartbreaking and hopeful. This is from the Sequoyah Award list.
Boo by Neil Smith - Check!! I definitely enjoyed this one. It's very creatively set in a heaven reserved for 13 year olds who died in the United States. They live there for 50 years and then go on to wherever is after the afterlife. Also, it was on my list of 10 books to read this year.
The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman - Nope. I have started it, and I really like what I've read so far,but I got side-tracked by the Readathon and I haven't got back to it, yet.
My One Square Inch of Alaska by Sharon Short - Check! This was the book club book for this month and it was fantastic! It was an excellent choice and we had a good time discussing it.
A Tyranny of Petticoats by Jessica Spotswood - Check! I read this for the 24 in 48 Readathon. It is a collection of short stories written by women YA authors about women in history. Some of them are actual historical figures, others are inspired by real people. It was lots of fun.
Burn Baby Burn by Meg Medina - Check!! Medina does such a great job of writing about regular people in Latina areas of NYC. She deals with the hard parts of being in a minority culture. She also does a great job portraying women coming into their own.
The Empathy Exams by Leslie Jamison - Check!! My overall response to this is "meh". There were a few essays on people in prison that I really liked. But I've always been drawn to those stories. But most of the essays went over my head, or just bored me. It met a goal of reading a book of essays from the Read Harder Challenge.
The Waters of Eternal Youth by Donna Leon - Check!! Of course I read this. I love Guido Brunetti and his family and his town. Such happy-making!
Out of 8 books, I read 7 and started the last one. But that's not all! I read other stuff, too!!
Here it is:
Julie of the Wolves by Jean Craighead George - I read this for a book that was written in the decade I was born. I read it as a kid, but I don't remember any of the things I read this time. Been awhile. I think this may have introduced my love of wolves.
Ms. Marvel Vol 3 by G. Willow Wilson - I accidentally got volume 4 first, so there weren't any surprises in this one. Still, it was a really good volume.
Feminism: Redefining the F Word by Nadia Abushanab Higgins - This is an overview of Feminism for a YA audience. It has a lot of pictures, which helps with the boring definitions of varying forms of feminism.
Lumberjanes Vol 3 by Noelle Stevenson - This is the series with the girls at summer camp who have to fight off supernatural monsters. It's lots of fun and the batter is very witty.
So Grand Total: 11 books. 11. Freaking. Books.
And this month I kept stats. Allow me to share!
10 books written by women. One by a man.
1 Mystery
2 Graphic Novels
2 Non-Fiction
3 Literary books
3 Historical Fiction
1 childrens' books
4 YA books
6 Adult books.
So that's my month of July!!! I'm super pumped for August! I have 2 weeks of vacation coming up and lots of reading plans for those days. Woot!!