Podcasts You Should Know About
Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is All About Audio. I haven't listened to too many audiobooks, but I do love me some podcasts. Here are my favorites.
For the uninitiated, podcasts are like radio shows, but they are recorded and housed on the internet so you can listen whenever you like. Use a podcaster to find them and subscribe to your favorites.
Get Booked by Book Riot - This is a weekly show hosted by Amanda Nelson and Jenn Northington. People send in questions about certain things they need book recommendations for and the hosts pick two books each for each question. They are really into books and reading, so they are so much fun to listen to.
All the Books by Book Riot - Another weekly podcast, this one is hosted by Rebecca Schinsky and Liberty Hardy. Basically, they just tell what new books out this week are worth reading. Side note: Liberty reads about 17 hours a day (not even kidding), so she has read just about everything. Also a lot of fun to listen to because these women are just crazy about books.
Book Riot podcast by Book Riot - Do you sense a theme? These are the podcasts by which I judge all others. This podcast is hosted by Jeff O'Neal and Rebecca Schinsky and runs down all the publishing news of the week. I learn lots of interesting factoids from this podcast. It's always enlightening.
What Should I Read Next by Anne Bogel - Anne Bogel runs the Modern Mrs. Darcy blog which I love. This podcast is a bit unique. She interviews one guest each week. She asks them for 3 books they love, one book they hate, what they're reading now, and what they'd like to be different in their reading life. Then she gives them 3 recommendations for what to read next. It's so interesting and Anne's voice is incredibly soothing.
So Many Damn Books - This podcast is not nearly as regular as the others, but I enjoy it when it comes out. There are two guys, Chris and Drew (I think), who are the regular hosts and they usually have a guest. One of them creates a special cocktail for the occasion and they talk about books. They usually have read one particular book for discussion, but they also talk about what books they've bought recently and what they're currently reading. It's definitely less PG than the others.
The Readers - I love this podcast. It only comes out every 2 weeks, but it's hilarious. Simon is in the UK and Thomas is in America and they talk about books. They usually have a topic to discuss for the week, and they rarely agree on anything. They are book-snobby, white, middle-aged, gay men, and sometimes their opinions are hilariously outdated, but I still love listening to them.
Reading Women - This podcast is hosted by Kendra Winchester and Autumn Privet. They focus on books written by and about women. This show has only been recording for a few months and the hosts are still trying to find their rhythm a little bit. They are much more reserved then the Book Riot ladies, but they are still enjoyable to listen to.
Books on the Nightstand - This is the original bookish podcast. They are no longer recording, but all the episodes are still available to listen to.
Book Disco - It's a little weird. But interesting.
The Librarian Is In - This is a product of the New York Public Library, so...
You should check these out and tell me your favorites.