November 29, 2016

December 2016 TBR

Would you look at that! It's almost December! You know what that means. Time to think about what I might read in December.

Colour of Magic

The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett - This is the book club book for December. Hopefully, I will actually read it instead of banking on remembering it from when Chris read it in homeschool 3-4 years ago.

I only have one more book left to finish off the BookRiot Challenge for this year. It would be a shame not to finish the last book after I read 23 other books. But the challenge is to read a book set in the Middle East. I am struggling to find a book I'm interested in set in the Middle East. Also, it should probably be pretty short. I'm not having a lot of luck finishing books lately. Any suggestions would be welcome.


Ghettoside by Jill Leovy - Unless a miracle happens, I will not finish this book in November. I think I have less than 100 pages left, but since there are no more weekends left this month, I probably will not finish it until December. So I'll just leave this here, for now.

End of Your Life Book Club

The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe - This one would meet a Modern Mrs. Darcy challenge: Read a book you previously abandoned. I started this book after my dad died, I think. It was probably not a good time. So, I abandoned it. I still have the bookmark in it, so I could probably knock it out pretty quickly.

Brave New World

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley - This one would finish off the Modern Mrs Darcy challenge: Read a book you should have read in school. It's also not huge. And I kind of know the story.

All of this being said, I have no idea what I will FEEL like reading this month. And since I am currently in a state of mood reading, there's no telling what will happen. Also, I've ordered my textbooks and downloaded some articles I need for school, and I've been working on those things recently.

I'm having this problem where I really want to read a bunch of books. Until it come time to actually sit down and open one. The suddenly I'm not actually interested in reading at all. If I force myself to do it, I usually enjoy myself for awhile. Or I fall asleep. One of the two.