Friday Reads 8/4/17
It's the first Friday in August. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Nevertheless, I will update you on what I plan to read this weekend. I don't even have to tell you that I won't have a lot of reading time this weekend. School work and school projects and whatnot. Also, one of my dancers that is going off to college next week asked me for a lunch date before she leaves, so I will be doing that on Saturday too. Plus, it is tax free weekend here and my kids need school clothes.
So if I get the chance to read anything, here's what it will be:
A Fierce and Subtle Poison by Samantha Mabry - This is a Sequoyah Award nominee and I just found out that the author will be at the Oklahoma Teen Book Convention I'm going to in October. So yay for being prepared for that! I'm almost half way through this and I'm liking it a lot. It takes place in Puerto Rico and is told from the perspective of the rich, white kid whose dad is the resort developer everyone loves to hate. And there are ghosts.
Past that, I have several options. I can't decide. I think I'll choose the one that has a few holds on it at the library:
Now I Rise by Kiersten White - This is the sequel to that fantastic retelling of the Dracula myth I read earlier this year that I just loved. I saw this on the shelf at Tattered Cover Bookstore in Denver and immediately put it on my hold list. I wasn't interested in paying full hardcover price for it, or I would have purchased it there.
The Revenant by Sonia Gensler - This is another book by an author coming to the OK Teen Book Con in October. At first, I thought there were only a few authors coming and I could maybe read one of all of their books. Now, the author list is up to about 12 authors right now, so I think that idea is going out the window. I'll just get to the ones I want.