Because of BookTube 9/27/17
Today's Top 5 Wednesday topic is Books I Read Because of BookTube. For those of you not already in the know, BookTube is a section of YouTube devoted to books. Readers talk about the books they've bought, read, and want to read. Most of the people on BookTube read YA books, so it's a great way for me to keep up with what is new in the world of YA books for work. There are BookTubers who read adult books, but they are rare. But here are the books I read because of BookTube:
The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin - This is not actually a YA book, but it could be considered a crossover book. It's very cute. I wasn't as in love with it as many BookTubers.
The Enchanted by Rene Denfeld - This is a story about a bunch of prisoners on death row and an investigator who works to get the men off death row. Except one guy won't accept her help. The men call him crazy. The horses in the walls know different.
The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman - This was much discussed when it came out last summer. I read it. It was pretty good. I'll read the next one. This is definitely YA.
Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin - This book's hype was well worth it. Another YA, but this is an alternate historical novel in which the Axis forces won World War II and now a girl is determined to kill Hitler.
Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff - This sci-fi YA novel takes place mostly on a space ship after the main characters' planet has been demolished by a large corporation. It's told entirely in journal entries, text messages, and government documents. It is really really good.
So there are 5 books I've read because of BookTube. Give it a look-see. It's very relaxing.