2017 Wrap Up
I have crunched the numbers and I'm ready to recap 2017 in books.
I read a total of 59 books in 2017.
Let's review my goals for 2017. I set these at the beginning of the year. How did I do?
Read 25 books. - Well, I crushed that goal!
Read at least 6 book club books. - I read 9 of them! Woot!
Get good grades - Now, my last quarter grades haven't come in, yet. I should get those tomorrow. But all the rest of them were A's. I'd say that counts.
Ok. Time for stats:
I read 25 books written by men and 34 books written by women. That is 59% of the books I read were written by women. That's cool with me.
12% of the books I read were written by people of color. I think I could do better.
68% of the books I read were written for adults. 29% were in the YA category. 3% were for children.
12% were fiction books. Now this means they weren't genre fiction. Just contemporary stories.
7% were mysteries. I like mysteries, but I just don't read very many.
25% of the books I read in 2017 were non-fiction. I feel like I usually read more than that. Hmmm.
24% were graphic novels. That seems like a lot of graphic novels. Whatever. I like them.
10% are fantasy novels. I have no words of wisdom about this. I like them, but I don't read very many.
3% were historical fiction. I actually feel like this might be wrong. I need to keep better track of what is historical and what is just fiction. Goal for this year.
2% were poetry. That was one book. And I hated it. So there is that.
What else should I track for 2018 do ya think?