November 23, 2018

Friday Reads 11/23/18

It doesn't even feel like a Friday. Actually, it may not be Friday. I have no idea. When you don't have to work, it doesn't matter what day it is!

This weekend may not include a lot of reading time, but I have a couple of options in case I do run into some reading time.


Heartstone by Ella Katherine White - This is the one that is a retelling of Pride and Prejudice with dragons and whatnot.

The Luminaries

The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton - This is what I picked up for the Tome Topple Readathon. I think I've read about 23 pages. At this rate I won't finish it in the time alotted.

So, I think that's plenty. That one book is like 800 pages.

What are you reading this weekend?