February 21, 2019

Library Update 2/21/19

Prepare yourselves. This is going to be an incredibly boring update.

I don't have anything checked out right now. I have 3 things on hold.


Celine by Peter Heller - This is the book club book for next month. It is currently sitting on my desk at work, waiting for me to check it out. I don't actually hold out much hope that I will actually get it read, though.


Unmarriageable by Soniah Kamal - This one is currently winging its way to me in delivery. Finally. I've had it on hold for months! 3 months, to be exact. Anyway, this is the modern-day retelling of Pride and Prejudice set in India. I will most likely get this one read.

It Happens

It Happens by Kelly Jensen - I put this book on hold in October. It still hasn't been processed by the library. Like, what the heck! Anyway, this is still on my hold list.

And that's it. What's going on in your library account?