Friday Reads 3/22/19
Yay for Friday!!! Friyay, if you will. Hahaha! If I get through this day, the weekend will be fantastic!
Today, I woke up 50 minutes after I was supposed to be at work. OOPS!!! I clocked in 40 minutes later and went to work solving computer problems. Oy veh!
I'm leaving work early to take my son's car to the dealership. It's got issues. Big ones. It decided not to start yesterday. I finally got it going last night to move it in the driveway, but I don't trust it.
Then I'm going to the urgent care to have my shoulder looked at. I torqued it wrong a week ago and did something to the collar bone and it's not getting better.
Tomorrow is my daughter's 17th birthday and my son is coming home from college for spring break! It's gonna be great!
So reading. Yeah, that thing. Here's what I have going on in that department.
The Love & Lies of Rukhsana Ali by Sabina Khan - This is about a muslim girl who is just biding her time until she can get out of her traditional house and go to college. And by traditional I mean her parents are more interested in her brother and don't think she should be taught anything besides cooking and cleaning. Then her parents find out about her girlfriend and send her to her grandmother's in Bandgladesh. Promises to be interesting and a fast read.
Circle of Shadows by Evelyn Skye - I talked about this in my Spring TBR post. I don't really know what it's about. I know it's fantasy, but that's about it. It will have a long way to go to be as good as A Curse So Dark and Lonely that I finished this week. We shall see.
So that's what is on my reading list for this weekend. What do you plan to read?