Friday Reads 3/29/19
It's Friday. Which means I have to put my son on a plane tomorrow morning to go back to college. Only 6 more weeks til we go pick him up. So there's that.
I've got a bunch of chores to do this weekend and we are ringing handbells in church Sunday, so I don't think I'll have a ton of reading time, but here's what's on the go right now:
Circle of Shadows by Evelyn Skye - I've read one chapter so far and the main character is a show-offy, over-the-top, girl who is likely to get in trouble with a quickness. It's a fantasy about warrior kids. That's all I've got so far.
Giant Days, Vol. 8 by John Allison - This is the next installment in my favorite graphic novel series about kids in a British university. It reads quick and it's fun. I've got the next one on the way also.
Circle of Shadows is almost 500 pages long, so I probably won't get it finished this weekend. That's all for my list. What's on yours?