Cover Talk: The Back of Women
In a recent post I talked about the fact that so many book covers feature women with their backs to the camera. I feel like this is a mostly historical fiction thing, but we may find out differently in this exploration.
I've started by going through the book covers on my Goodreads TBR and I was not disappointed.
A Study in Scarlet Women by Sherry Thomas is the first in a historical mystery series. In fact all four of the published books in this series have the back of a woman on the cover.
Here's one that has been calling to me lately, but I haven't picked it up, yet.
Amy Snow is also sitting on my shelf.
Here's on that isn't fiction. It's still history, though.
Who is surprised to find Jane Austen books on this list? Not me!
Apparently, it doesn't have to be a Victorian or earlier book, either!
Or even European or American!
Look! It even works for illustrations as opposed to photographs.
This is kind of a cheat since it's the woman's side, but it's a gorgeous cover.
This one might be my favorite cover, though!
So I think we can see that this is a definite trend in historical fiction. Not ALL historical fiction books have this phenomenon, but all the books I found with it are historical fiction, except that one History book. Go figure!
What do you think? Do you like it?