August 7, 2020

Friday Reads 8/7/2020

The first Friday of August! We had some great temperatures this week. Highs around 80. Some rain. Unfortunately, we will be back up near 100 this weekend. I will have to remember not to go outside.

The Basically Readathon begins at midnight tonight. It's a 24-hour readathon hosted by Basically Britt (YouTube channel). She is based in Rotterdam, and says you can follow her time zone, or use the time zone where you are. When it is midnight in Rotterdam it will be 5:00 pm here. I am going to use my time zone so I have all the time up til midnight tomorrow to read.

**The First Actress* by C.W. Gortner - I have barely read any of this this week. I've basically been a slug. So I plan to focus on this one.

Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer - On the other hand, this lovely thing was released this week, and I have my copy still in its delivery box. This is the Twilight book retold from Edward's point of view. About 9 years ago, one of the author's assistant leaked a portion of this book. Meyer was so angry, she refused to release the book. I guess she got over it, because here it is! I may be tempted to pick this up during the readathon instead.

The Missing of Clairedelune by Christelle Dabos - The Tome Topple Readathon starts tomorrow also. It's a two-week long readathon during which you are supposed to read books with more than 500 pages. I have this on my Kindle, but Goodreads tells me it has 540 pages in print. I also need to read this so I can review the third book before it comes out next month. This is the second book.

Super Adjacent by Crystal Cestari - This is a YA book about a regular kid that really wants to hang out with the super heroes. When she gets an internship with them, she promptly develops a crush on Brigitte who wants to leave the group. Then, all the other heroes go missing and it's up to the two of them to save the day.

Check Please, Vol. 2 by Ngozi Ukazu - I am still on the hold list for this one. I am first on the list, and the three copies out were due in the last couple of days. I hope they have been returned and are sitting in quarantine, so one can be sent to me next week. Crossing fingers!

All Systems Red by Martha Wells - If that Check Please doesn't come in, I'll pick up this short little novella about the AI robot that gains a conscience.

So those are my reading plans for this week. What are you looking at picking up soon?