August 8, 2020

Basically Readathon

The Readathon started at midnight. I went to sleep at 12:15. I woke up at 9:15 and started reading. I read 3 sentences and fell asleep again. I woke up at 11:25 and read a page. Then I fell asleep again. I woke up at 2:00 p.m. Yes. I slept 14 hours.

It is now 5:45 p.m. and I have read to page 100 in my book. I have realigned my expectations for the readathon to read half my book. That would be to page 206. Maybe I can read the other half tomorrow.

I don't know why this happens at every readathon. I felt fine yesterday. I had no idea this bout of fatigue was coming. I thought about it. I thought maybe I shouldn't try to participate in readathons because I invariably have a flare or a migraine or a reading slump or something. Then I though, no. I still want to do readathons. I will have to accept the fact that I need to readjust my expectations. And that's ok. What I can get done is great. Yay me!

This is called living with chronic illness. Luckily, there is no pain with this flare. Just the fatigue. That's an improvement. Also, luckily, I don't have to work today.