August 14, 2020

Friday Reads 8/14/2020

Holy wow! We are almost half way through August! And honestly, I might be in kind of a reading slump. Well maybe. I feel like reading books, just not the ones I NEED to be reading. So, then I feel guilty about not reading what I should be reading, so I don't read anything. I'm trying to take care of my mental health and read accordingly, so here's what's on my to-read list for the coming week.

The Missing of Clairedelune by Christelle Dabos - I scheduled this giant book to be read over 2 weeks. I read the first half by Wednesday of this week, and then quit to read other books on this week's list. I haven't done that. I just sit around and think about how I'd rather be reading this one. While I'm glad it's so great, it's kind of put me in a slump. I'll be getting back to this one ASAP.

Mimi Lee Gets a Clue by Jennifer J. Chow - I described this to my family as: Mimi is an Asian woman in LA who owns a dog grooming shop called Hollywoof. She gets into an argument with a dog breeder who then turns up dead and Mimi is at the top of the suspect list. She decides to solve the mystery with the help of her talking cat. So great, right??? I got this from the library yesterday. I want to not feel guilty about reading it instead of something actually on my TBR, but I think I will just have to power through the guilt.

I Hear the Sunspot by Yuki Fumino - I heard about this from a YouTube video the other day, so I ordered it from the library. This is a college campus Manga novel. Kahei has a hearing deficit and struggles to make friends until he meets Taichi. Looks cute. Hope it's not too heartbreaking.

Stay Gold by Tobly McSmith - This book has come under fire from S. E. Hinton for infringing on The Outsiders story. The title is clearly from that book, but that book in turn took it from a Robert Frost poem. Also, the main character is named Pony. Not quite Ponyboy as in The Outsiders, but clearly an homage. The plot centers around a trans boy who is attending a new school and his relationship with a girl there. I don't see how this could be a retelling of The Outsiders, so we'll see.

That's what I'm looking at reading over the next week. Not at all what I had originally planned, but I'm going to have to be okay with that.

What are you reading these days?