Friday Reads 11-13-2020
Yes. It is Friday the 13th. In 2020. What could go wrong? Ugh. Well, the first thing that could go wrong is I could fall into a reading slump. Although, in all honesty, that happened before today. So, I'm scrapping all my reading plans for the month and I'm reading at whim!
Yesterday I went through some of my shelves and pulled a few books off that I might want to read, but then immediately dismissed those as not what I want to read. I don't know what I want to read, but it isn't those. I'll start by telling you what I am currently reading.

Dodge City by Tom Clavin - I'm really enjoying this. It helps that the print is pretty big so it reads quickly. Also, it's told conversationally, so it doesn't feel too much like a history lesson.

Hard Times by Charles Dickens - I am a patron for a BookTuber that I really enjoy. One of the perks for her patrons is to read books together. November's book is Hard Times by Charles Dickens. I had forgotten about Dickens' ironic tone. In this one, the characters are so extra. Mr. Bounderby is clearly going to turn out to be a lecher, for example. Bounder is in his heckin' name, for crying out loud!
Past this, I have no idea. I'll probably pore over my Goodreads lists and stare at my shelves for awhile, waiting for something to jump out at me. I just can't commit yet.