February 2, 2022

February 2022 TBR

Y'all. I got to use my TBR game! It's BACK! Hang on to your hats. Let's do this!!!

Just as a reminder, here is the whole board. Obviously the Ace prompt will no longer be Sequoyah. That will be a jar of my 50 by 50 books. I just haven't fixed the board.

Here's a close up of the number prompts.

And here's a pic of the Bomb Book for if I draw a Joker.

Time to start drawing!

Ten of Hearts.

And the Prompt is Social Science. Love it!

Ear Hustle

The book for this prompt is This is Ear Hustle  by Nigel Poor and Earlonne Woods - Earlonne was in prison for many years. Nigel Poor is a journalist who came into the prison for something else, teaching? something. They started a podcast that I listened to a lot called Ear Hustle about what it's like in prison. Earlonne got released rather unexpectedly, and now they've written a book. I snagged it at the library and it's been patiently waiting for me.

And the replacement prompt for ten of hearts is Published in 2018.

On to Draw 2.

Ten of Diamonds.

And the prompt is Female Author.

So We Read On

Ok. The book for female author is So We Read On: How the Great Gatsby Came to Be and Why It Endures by Maureen Corrigan - I like the other Corrigan book I read, and this book has been staring at me from my shelf for years.

And we replace the prompt with Empire of the Vampire. Oh by the way, one of the things I did was add all the 50 in 50 books to my prompt jar so they can end up on the TBR a couple of different ways.

On to Draw 3

Two of Diamonds.

A book with a more than 4 word title.

Woke Up Dead

I Woke Up Dead at the Mall by Judy Sheehan - Fun times! I've had this book for years and I think it will be fun and quick. YA, obviously.

And we will replace the prompt for 2 of Diamonds with Ugly Cover.

On to draw 4

King of Clubs. Oof. That means draw from the Least Anticipated jar.

So let's see what we get.

Here's the whole title:

Uppity Women

Uppity Women Speak Their Minds by Vicki Leon - I have no idea where I picked this up. But here it is, so I can read it off my shelf.

Draw again.

Three of Spades. Let's see what that gives me.

Disaster Porn! Woohoo! No one will be shocked by my choice.

Midnight in Chernobyl

Right? Not surprised. Midnight in Chernobyl: The Untold Story of the World's Greatest Nuclear Disaster by Adam Higginbotham.

And we replace that prompt with Published in 2020.

Last draw!

Three of Hearts. Hey there, George.

Kami pick!!! Oh heck. They will be so excited...

I was right. And they took all of 30 seconds to pick their book for me.


Vassa In the Night by Sarah Porter - I have no idea why they picked this one. I have no idea what it's about. But here we go.

And we replace the last prompt with A Book Everyone Else has Read. Or at least it feels that way.

Here are the 6 books from the TBR game.

But that's not all the books I need to read this month.

My coworker is doing a book discussion, and to support her program, I need to read Devil in the Blue Dress by Walter Mosley.

And one of my dancers has been (im)patiently waiting for me to get done with my award reading so I can read the rest of the series she loves so we can talk about it. I ordered the next book, so I'm ready.

Here is the entire TBR with those extra books added in.

So that's 8 books. Doable. Not that I've read 8 books in a month in awhile, but I'm hoping being able to DNF if I want will help. Also, they are all books I want to read. Mostly.

Either way. Wish me luck!