January 5, 2023

2022 Wrap Up

The year is officially over and I've had time to go over some data.

Let's start with my 2022 reading goals.

First we had Read 100 Books - I did it! I actually read 107 books in 2022.

Reread 12 books - Um, no. By the middle of the year, I had completely forgotten about this goal. I ended up with 4 rereads. Oof.

Read 25 of my 50 by 50 list - Yes! I did this. I read (or DNFed) 25 books from that list, leaving 25 more to read this year.

Complete the Read Harder Challenge from Book Riot - Yes! I snuck the last book in just a few days before the year ended. Woohoo!

Now for the fun part. The stats!!!

Genre - I think it's interesting that I read more nonfiction than any other genre, but it was still only 29% of my total reading. Usually it's closer to 50%.

Star rating - Well, I guess I pick good books for myself. Also, I won't rate a book I didn't finish. I don't think that's fair to the book or the author. Most of my books were 4 stars, which seems like a good indication that I'm choosing books I'll like. I had 28 5 star books which seems like a lot, but I will again chalk that up to being a good chooser.

Age Category - Those two little slivers of beige or gray or whatever that is next to Middle Grade represent 1 Children's book, and 1 New Adult book. Mostly adult and a quarter young adult. That checks out.

Are there any other stats you'd be interested to see?