June 7, 2023

Reading Check-In

I am not really interested in the prompts this week for blog posts, so I'm going rogue. I'm just going to give you a quick update on how reading is going for me right now.

Remember back on Friday when I listed off the books I was reading and planning to finish up? Right, well. I finished Fire in Paradise on Saturday and read the entirety of Love, Pamela on Sunday.

Then I had a new problem. I said I was going to pick up The First Thing About You, but I wasn't really feeling it. I picked up The Sisters instead. This is a mass biography of the Mitford sisters and it is fascinating. I've only got up to Diana's marriage and starting a family, which is about 1930 or so. This is the longest book on my TBR, so I'm glad to be getting started on it.

On the other hand, I kind of also wish I was reading something else, too.

I feel like if I read a Sequoyah book, it should be the one I've already started. But we've already established that I don't feel like reading that one right now. I know that's ridiculous, and that I can pick up the other Sequoyah book if I want to. It just goes against my personal OCD rules.

I have 2 YA manga books from the library right now, but one of them is volume 2 in a series and I haven't got volume 1 yet.

I will probably end up reading Laidback Camp volume 1 tonight, just for a brain break.

I could sure use some laidback. I don't camp though. It might be nice to experience camp through a comic book. I do not do well living rough. I am not energized by sleeping on a rock and freezing the whole time. I don't like hoping my food is all the way cooked by a fire. I really hate bugs. I'm indoorsy, that's all.

What do you think? Should I convince myself I can read the other Sequoyah book, or make myself finish the one I started? It might become one of those situations where I make a rule that I have to read a chapter before I can read anything else. It's not terrible, it's just not what I want to read right now. That being said, I'm not even 10% through it yet. It's hard to really make a judgment so far.

What should I do? 1. Focus on The Sisters until she's done and then worry about it? 2. Keep reading The Sisters and add in The First Thing About You to get them both finished. 3. Keep reading The Sisters and add in Alone Out Here for something different.

Let me know your thoughts.