July 6, 2023

2023 Reading Goals Check-In

We have officially gone through half of 2023. That means it's time to check in on how I'm doing with meeting my goals.

  1. Read 30,000 Pages

At half way through the year, I should have read 15,000 pages. At the end of June I had read over 18,000 pages. So I am on pace to complete this goal. Yay!

2. Complete the 50 by 50 Challenge

If you're new here, when I turned 48 I set a goal for myself to read 50 books from a list of specific books before I turn 50. I read (or DNFed) 26 of them in 2022. That left 24 for this year. As of this post, I have read 12 of those books. I'm a tiny little bit behind, but I have planned it out so that I can finish all the books before my birthday.

I've written it out such that if I read one long book and two short books each month for the next 4 months, that will get me there.  It's fine. Well, it's doable. Each month the long book gets shorter and the short books get longer so I sort of evens out page number-wise.

I am mostly on track for this goal.

3. Read 50 Books From My Physical Shelves

So, this is a little bit of a downer. I should have read 25 books from my shelves by the end of June. I've only read 18. That means I'm 7 behind. That's the bad news. The good news is I have until December 25 for this goal, instead of November 6 like the 50-by-50 challenge. 32 books in 24 weeks. Oof.

Luckily, most of my 50-by-50 books are on my physical shelves, so that would be 3 a month. By my calculations, that amounts to 1.3 books a week to meet that goal. I am admittedly bad at math, but that looks about right. If I choose some short books or ones that read fast, I can pull it off.

I'm not on track to meet this goal, but I could still get there.

4. Read 6 Work-Related Books

This goal was actually broken up into 2 categories of work-related books. One category was books written by people from other parts of the world in order to understand some of our customers' cultures better. The second category was to read books on management. I have read the three books on other cultures and one management book. I'm holding off on the others to see where my work my take me just in case I need to read a completely different kind of work book.

I am on track to complete this goal.

So there you go. I feel like I'm doing pretty well. I didn't completely forget about a goal like last year. Completing the goals is entirely doable and maybe a little challenging. That's the point of goals isn't it?