August 18, 2023

Friday Reads 8/18/2023

This is one of those months where I feel like it has been August for forever already and then I realize we still have almost 2 weeks left. So here we are at Friday and it's time to decide what I'm reading this week.


Smoke by Dan Vyleta - I will most likely wrap this one up this weekend. The pages are quickly diminishing on the right hand side. This book is interesting because there are two factions working against each other and the main characters don't know who is right. The reader doesn't know which side is right. They are both doing shady things to reach their goals.

Breaking Bread

Breaking Bread With the Dead: A Reader's Guide to a More Tranquil Mind by Alan Jacobs - I'm about a third through this one. I'm putting tabs on the bits I find important or interesting. I haven't decided yet whether I'm entirely on board with his premise.

Brilliant Friend

My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante - I pretty much only read this one at work, so the going is slow, but I am 25% through it. It reads pretty fast. This is a weird story. It's about two girls who a really more frenemies than friends. They compete over everything. We've just about got up to middle school now. The narrator got to take the test and go to middle school, but the other one, who is smarter, wasn't allowed to take the test by her parents.

After I finish Smoke, all that's left on my TBR is the two Sequoyah books and the library book, "Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?"


Wrecked by Heather Henson - I'll probably start this one after I finish Smoke. It's YA and it's not terribly long, so hopefully I can fly through it.  

So there we are. I'm kind of all over the place right now, but I'm doing okay with it. I pick up what I feel like reading at the time. Read at Whim, amirite?