June 7, 2024

Friday Reads 6/7/2024

The amount of time I spent staring at the screen trying to remember today's date is unprecedented. Especially considering that the computer shows the date and time at the bottom left at all times. It's that kind of day.

Let's talk about what I'm reading. Yay!

The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoyevsky - This one is getting there. I'm right on track for reading with the book club, even though I have a hard time making it to the meetings. I can go back and listen to them, later. I like it. I should be finishing this up in the next couple of weeks. It's been nice not to feel like I have to read a bunch. The pace is 14 pages a day. That's easily doable in half an hour, even with my family interrupting.

Simon Sort of Says by Erin Bow - This is the Sequoyah masterlist book I started reading a couple of weeks ago. It should not have taken me this long to read, but it's middle grade and I don't love middle grade. Also, I'm only reading it at work. I've set a goal of reading 1 chapter a day. That will get it done eventually.

The Benevolent Society of Ill-Mannered Ladies by Alison Goodman - Last week I was trying to decide what to read next. I couldn't tell what mood I was in, so I chose a few options and read the first chapter to choose the next read. This was one of those books. I chose to read a different book first, but I set this aside to read next. It's time now.

If I finish I'll-Mannered Ladies, I will have to find another book, but that is a future Adrienne problem.