June 21, 2024

Friday Reads 6/21/2024

Well, here we are. Friday again. This weekend I am at a bell festival out of town. I won't have a ton of time to read, but maybe in the evening and after I get home Saturday. Anyway, here's what's up.

Simon Sort Of Says by Erin Bow - So ok. I said earlier that this book was stressing me out because something horrible happened in Simon's past that went viral and he was traumatized by it. I was thinking he had done something stupid on the internet. No. We have now learned that he was the lone survivor of his 5h grade class in a school shooting incident. Wow. At this point, one of his friends has found out, and now the friend's mom looks at him all sorrowfully. Just what he wanted to avoid. He doesn't want to talk about it. He doesn't want to remember. So this book just got interesting.

How to Read Now by Elaine Castillo - The first chapter of this book was fabulous. The second chapter was good. The third chapter was 50 pages on why she hates Joan Didion. I've kind of got stuck there. This meets the challenge to read a book at the bottom of my TBR. I'm not really sure what that means, but I interpreted it my way, and chose a book from the bottom shelf of my TBR bookcases. It will also check a book of my Read 50 Books From My Shelves challenge.

Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb - I started this one yesterday. It's the second in a series. Apparently I had forgotten a lot of the first one, because the recap in the preface was extremely helpful. I would have been completely lost without it. Anyway, I'm 50 pages in, which is only a drop in the bucket when the book is 650 pages, but it's a start. This will meet the challenge to read a book written with a pen name. It will also check a box on the 50 books from my shelves challenge.

Notice what you didn't see here? The Idiot! I finished it. Hooray!

Also, I was reading The Benevolent Society of Ill-Mannered Ladies, but I DNFed it. Each shenanigan the ladies got up to was more ridiculous than the last and I just couldn't hang anymore. At least she got the period details right.

What are you reading this weekend?