June 28, 2024

Friday Reads 6/28/2024

Oh hey! It's my anniversary! 27 years. I can't possibly be old enough to have been married longer than I wasn't married.

Anyway, let's get to the books.

Simon Sort of Says by Erin Bow - I'm 2/3 through this one. It's pretty good, but now we've got a group of kids trying to pull off a really elaborate, really dumb prank. At least it doesn't make me anxious to read it.

Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb - Still at it. I'm closing in on the halfway mark. I had two doctors appointments yesterday. One of them was running very late, so I had lots of time to read.

What Stalks Among Us by Sarah Hollowell - I figure I'll probably finish Simon soon, so I needed to pick another Sequoyah book. There aren't any on the high school list I'm just dying to read, so did a random number generator and got this one. It's a horror novel about kids who skip school and find an abandoned corn maze. Sounds like fun, but it's a horror novel, so not so much. Luckily, this will be my work book, so I won't be reading it at night.

I don't figure I'll finish the Robin Hobb this week, so I'm not even going to speculate on what I'll read after that.

What are you reading?