July 4, 2024

Mid-Year Check-In

Happy July 4th! I hope your holiday is more fun than mine, as I am relegated to my bed for at least two more days. The good news is, I'm not too sick to read!

In this post, we will go back through my 2024 reading goals, and see how I'm doing with those goals. I will go back to my 2024 Reading Goals post and check in wih them.

Goal 1: Read 100 books.

As of right now, I have read 56 books. I am a little bit ahead of my goal. I'll probably make a little more progress while I'm bedridden. Doin well!

Goal 2: Read the 10 Oldest Books on my TBR shelves

I realized last month that I kind of messed this up. One of the books I had put on this list is not actually on my physical shelves. I have it on Kindle. Reading it would not clear off my shelves. So I replaced The Oregon Trail with The Turner House, which is the next book on the TBR that I own a physical copy of.

That being said, I have read 6 of the 10 books. I gave myself 2 months to read The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton because it is really long. I'm well on my way to meeting this goal.

Goal 3: Complete the Booklist Queen's Reading Challenge

I don't have my reading journal here with me in my isolation room, so I am entirely relying on my (admittedly faulty) memory. I went and looked at the post I made about the challenge with all the prompts. By my count, I've finished 27 of the challenges, which is just over half. I thought there were more, but this is what I could remember just looking at the list.

I did go through the list and chose books off my bookshelves to meet the prompts and put them on a separate shelf. On the other hand, if I read a different book and find out it meets a prompt, I will trade it out. I picked books off my shelves to try to help meet the next goal.

Goal 4: Read 50 books from my physical bookshelves.

This goal refers to books I owned before January 1, 2024. Books I read that were bought in 2024 will not count to this challenge.

I'm not doing so great with this one. The last time I looked at my reading journal, I was at 14 books. I should be at 26 now. I have finished 2 more while on lockdown, and I plan to finish a third today, so that will help. This is the only goal I'm trailing on. Here's hoping I can buckle down and plow through a bunch of books from my shelves

So there we go. I feel pretty good about most of these goals, and it has been fun to work on these goals.