July 12, 2024

Friday Reads 7/12/2024

I'm back at work, now, but my days are still all mixed up. I hear today is Friday, so here are my Friday Reads.

Trust by Hernan Diaz - This was a bestseller last year. There just happens to be a reading challenge prompt to read a book that was a 2023 bestseller. I'm about a quarter through it and I'm not really sure what it's about. A woman marries a spectacularly wealthy man in the 1920s because she sees that he is most likely going to leave her alone to do what she likes. He's a loner. She's a loner. It works out. Except the part I've just got to where she starts behaving erratically, and she thinks she's got her father's mental disorder so she goes to a Swiss hospital. I have no idea where this is going. It's a large book (around 400 pages), but it seems like the pages turn pretty quickly with lots of short sections in each chapter.

The Reappearance of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson - I had started a different book for my next Sequoyah read, but this one came in as a hold, so I'll read this instead. People are waiting for it, so it gets first priority. This story is about Bel who is 18 years old and can't wait to get out of her town. Her mom disappeared 16 years ago and that has been the entire focus of her life. Now a documentary film crew is there to interview them about the disappearance. Except then her mom suddenly turns up! And she's not talking about what happened. I really like Holly Jackson, so I'm trusting her to make this worth my time.

The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow - Once I finish Trust, I'll start on this one. It's kind of a fantasy thing, I think? I don't know much about it. Obviously. But I've heard it's fantastic.

That's it. That's what is on deck.