October 3, 2024

Goals Update

As we head into the last quarter of 2024, I feel like I should do an evaluation of my goals and where I stand with them.

I started out with 4 big reading goals.

  1. Read 100 books in 2024.
  2. Read the 10 books that have been on my TBR the longest.
  3. Read 50 books from my shelves as they stood on Jan. 1.
  4. Complete the Booklist Queen's 2024 Reading Challenge.

Read 100 Books - I have read 78 books this year. Goodreads tells me that is 3 books ahead of my goal. 22 books left in 3 months. 7 books a month (plus one). That's doable, but I like to not have it quite that close. I think I read 120 books last year. But, as long as I reach the goal, it's fine.

10 Oldest Books on My Shelves - I am currently reading the last book on this list. It might take me the whole 3 months to read it because it is 850 pages long. Otherwise, this goal is done.

Read 50 books from my shelves - This goal meant that any books I bought this year and read would not count toward my goal. It has to be books I owned before January 1, 2024. I even keep a list in my reading journal of all the books I've purchased this year, so I don't forget and count one of those toward my goal. I currently have read 32 books from my shelves. 18 more to go. 3 months. 6 books a month. That doesn't sound so difficult. Why am I stressing about this?

Booklist Queen's Reading Challenge - By my calculations, I have 7 books left for this challenge. The original challenge had 52 prompts. 11 weeks left in the year and 7 books to go. 2 books a month (plus one). Definitely doable.

So it looks like I will be able to reach all of these goals. When I started this post, I was thinking I would have to decide which things to let go of. But they are overlapping goals. If I had to read separate books to meet all the goals, that would be 48 books. But since every one of the books I read for the other 3 challenges count toward my 100 books, the 10 oldest books all count toward books from my shelves, and I am mostly choosing books from my shelves to meet the reading challenge prompts, that brings the total number down to like, 18 total.

Deep breath. I got this.