December 21, 2024

Friday Reads on Saturday 12/21/2024

Wow. Yesterday really got away from me. So, let's talking about the week's reading plans today.

Growing Older with Jane Austen by Maggie Lane - This is a really interesting look at Austen's older characters. I don't mean her "older" protagonists who are never older than 27. I mean the parents and grandparents. The Mrs. and Miss Bateses. The Lady Catherine de Bourghs. Lane talks about how these people are portrayed and the customs of the time for people in their situations. I hope to finish this one tonight.

Never Saw Me Coming by Tanya Smith - My hold for this one came up this week and I've been reading it on my lunch breaks. It reads really quickly and I am hoping to get through it with a quickness. The audacity of this woman (even when she was a teenager) is astounding. She figured out how to get the personal phone numbers of celebrities by putting on her "white girl" voice and pretending to be a telephone company employee. She was 13.

After that, I have some options. Just looking at my December TBR, I could go with fiction or nonfiction. These two are both nonfiction, so my first instinct is to go with fiction. So maybe one of these two:

Less by Andrew Sean Greer - This sounds like a light romp with a gooey center. I mean, Pulitzer Prize winner, amirite?

Outlawed by Anna North - This is the one about the woman who runs away because she hasn't got pregnant and her town tends to assume women who don't have babies are witches.

There are several more fiction titles on the list, but we'll just see how it goes. I'm hoping my time off next week will afford me a lot of reading time.

Crossing fingers!!