January 2, 2025

2024 Wrap Up

Now that it is January 2, I can officially wrap up my 2024 reading year. Let's get to it.

First, let's check in with my goals.

  1. Read 100 Books - I met this goal, but just barely. I finished number 100 on December 30. Did I read some manga and graphic novels to reach that goal? Absolutely. I am pulling back on this goal in 2025. I am not sure what my reading will look like with my new job and I want to be able to read long books without fear of not hitting my goal.
  2. Read the 10 Oldest Books on My TBR - I met this goal. It took me more than two months to finish the last one, but I got it done. I liked this goal so much, I put it on my 2025 goals list.
  3. Complete the Booklist Queen's Reading Challenge - I met this goal. This was fun. I would do another one of these in 2025, but I want to focus on reading the books I own this year. I found that the reading challenge required a lot of books I don't own. I could fill some of the challenges with my books, but not all of them.
  4. Read 50 books from my Shelves - This only counted for books I owned before 1-1-2024. So books I'm had for awhile that are just sitting there. I did not meet this goal. I only read 44 books from my shelves. For 2025 I have scaled this goal back to 40 books from my shelves. We'll see how that works.

3 out of 4 isn't terrible.

January and March were my best reading months, followed by July (thanks, Covid) and December.

22% of the books I read were non-fiction. I feel like I usually read closer to 50%, so that's interesting. The next most-read category is Fantasy.

Mostly, the books I read were written by women. That's nice. Over 2/3.

30 percent of the books I read were written by people of color. Here is that breakdown. The info is kind of skewed because sometimes I put the cultural title, like Asian, and other times I marked that actual country the author it from. So the Asian category really ought to be larger because the Korean and Japanese and Indian really should be under Asian. Also, there is a Native category and a Native American category.

And that's it! Happy New Year!