Friday Reads 9/1/2023
IT'S SEPTEMBER!!!! It's still hot as hades, and we will still have temperatures in the triple digits, but IT'S SEPTEMBER!!! Yesterday I shared my TBR for the
I am a book lover, dance teacher, and mom. I work for a large library system where I get to play with lots of books! My shelf of To-Read books is out of control. Help me make it grow!
IT'S SEPTEMBER!!!! It's still hot as hades, and we will still have temperatures in the triple digits, but IT'S SEPTEMBER!!! Yesterday I shared my TBR for the
Oh man. September is almost here! It will still be ridiculously hot in the beginning, but I love saying goodbye to August! All of that being said, it's time to set
August is almost over Hallelujah!!! It is always my least favorite month. So disgustingly hot. To celebrate, let's check out the five books I've added to Goodreads since my
Hallelujah! It is the last weekend of August. I hate August with the fire of a thousand suns, which is pretty much what it feels like here today. High temp of 104 with
We are beginning our descent towards the end of August. Please remain in your seats with your seatbelts fastened and your tray tables secured. The captain will turn off the seatbelt light when
This is a random post for my on personal research. I want to know which books on my TBR have the highest ratings on Goodreads. I will just sort my TBR by rating,
This is one of those months where I feel like it has been August for forever already and then I realize we still have almost 2 weeks left. So here we are at
Apparently, I enter a fugue state and just add books to my TBR. I thought I maybe had five to share with you here. It's more than that. Like 15 more.
I've read 5 books already this month. They were all quite small, so I don't know what that means for the rest of the month, but I figured I&
It's Friday once again. I foresee quite a bit more reading time available to me this week as opposed to last week. After work Saturday I'm free. Well, after
Hello Friday. I will have little to no time to read anything this weekend. I work Saturday, so I can read some Saturday evening. Sunday I have to visit high school Sunday Schools
Hoo boy. Buckle up, Buttercup. This is going to be a time. Between the Mid-Month Wrap Up and the end of July, I read 10 books. A lot of them were graphic novels,