Adrienne Teague

I am a book lover, dance teacher, and mom. I work for a large library system where I get to play with lots of books! My shelf of To-Read books is out of control. Help me make it grow!

Oklahoma, USA
1808 posts
May 25, 2023

May Goodreads Upate Pt. 2

We are nearing the end of May, so here is an update on what I've added to my Goodreads To-Be-Read list since the last time we visited this list. I added

May 23, 2023


Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Things That Instantly Make Me Want to Read a Book. I call those Buzzwords. Here are the top ten things that will make me want

May 22, 2023

May 2023 Library Update

I'm too lazy to do a full library update. The long list of Sequoyah books on my checked out list hasn't changed much, so I'm just going

May 19, 2023

Friday Reads 5/19/2023

This has been another one of those weeks where I have no idea what day it is when I wake up. Today when I woke up it was raining and I was really

May 17, 2023

It's a Mystery

Ok. Not really. I mean, these are mystery books, but it's no mystery why I liked them. Let me start over. Today's Top 5 Wednesday topic is Mysteries. List

May 17, 2023

What's Stopping Me?

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Things Getting In the Way of Reading. Y'all. I can tell you right now, I'm going to have trouble keeping the

May 16, 2023

May Goodreads Update Pt. 1

We are currently half way through the month and it occurred to me that I may have added a lot of new books to my want to read list on Goodreads this month.

May 12, 2023

Friday Reads 5-12-2023

May is so gosh darn busy!! My dancers dance on Sunday morning. I have three appointments on Monday. Then it's back into the chaos of the week on Tuesday. I have

May 11, 2023

May Wrap Up Part 1

Remember how I said I probably wouldn't get as much read in May as I did in April? Well, it's May 10 and I've finished 4 books.

May 5, 2023

Friday Reads 5/5/2023

I am so thankful I looked at a calendar today. My schedule is so wonky this week, I don't have any idea what day it is. This trend is likely to

May 2, 2023

10 Random Titles

Ok. This is going to be fun. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is 10 Random Titles. I'm going to pull up a random number generator, set it for the

May 1, 2023

April 2023 Wrap Up Pt. 2

You  may remember that a couple of weeks ago I posted a part 1 wrap up because I had already read 4 books and I didn't want to have us all