October '22 Library Update
I realize it's only October 20, but the way the days fall I need to go ahead and do this library update now. The interesting thing is that I even have
I am a book lover, dance teacher, and mom. I work for a large library system where I get to play with lots of books! My shelf of To-Read books is out of control. Help me make it grow!
I realize it's only October 20, but the way the days fall I need to go ahead and do this library update now. The interesting thing is that I even have
Friday again. It's my last Friday off because of my surgery. In fact, it's my last day of short term disability. Sigh. I had a good run. Anyway, let&
We are almost halfway through October and I have been reading! I better get this done now so it's not a massive job at the end of the month! Jane Austen:
I might be jumping the gun just a little bit, but I wanted to do an update on my TBR now. I went through and removed about 40 books from my to-read shelf
And just like that, it is Friday again. Here are my plans for reading this coming week. I will be working 4 days next week so not a lot of reading happening then,
Today's Top 5 Wednesday Topic is books that got me into reading. I don't remember not reading. I was reading before I was creating conscious memory. Apparently. Yertle the
Now that we are solidly in October, it's time to tell you what I read in the second half of September. Grab a snack. It's a lot of books.
It's the beginning of a new month! A fresh start! It's time to get started on that new TBR that is kind of ridiculous, but I am still holding
The moment you've all been waiting for. The moment I have been preparing for for weeks. The moment I have planned and re-planned. It is here. The October TBR, in which
Since my last update, I've added 10 books to my to-read list on GoodReads. I am back up to almost 1000 books on that list. I am ridiculous. Nevertheless, I'
Welcome to my 5 day weekend. I'm working two full days next week, and they chose Wednesday and Thursday. So here we are. Reading!!! The Hawthorne Legacy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
This is today's Top 5 Wednesday topic, but I'm going to use it as an opportunity to review my 50 by 50 list to see what I need to