Adrienne Teague

I am a book lover, dance teacher, and mom. I work for a large library system where I get to play with lots of books! My shelf of To-Read books is out of control. Help me make it grow!

Oklahoma, USA
1798 posts
Nov 3, 2023

Friday Reads 11/3/2023

First Friday in November!!! Also, three days to my birthday. No matter how old I get, I'm still excited about my birthday. I may not talk about it as much as

Nov 2, 2023

October 2023 Wrap Up

October was both fast and incredibly long. But I did read some books. Let's discuss. Bitch In a Bonnet: Reclaiming Jane Austen From the Stiffs, the Snobs, the Simps, and the

Nov 1, 2023

November 2023 TBR

Here we are. It's the last day of October, so it's time to decide what we're reading in November. I think I may go with a list

Oct 27, 2023

Friday Reads 10/27/2023

It's the last Friday of October! I'm so excited about the prospect of finishing up my 50-by-50 challenge! Let's get into it. The next week is incredibly

Oct 27, 2023

October 2023 Goodreads Update

I once heard that adulthood is just a series of saying "Things will slow down after next week" over and over again until you die. I'm looking at the

Oct 24, 2023

October 2023 Library Update

We are finally nearing the end of October. For some reason these last couple of weeks have dragged for me. But here we are and it's time for a library update.

Oct 20, 2023

Friday Reads 10/20/2023

All in all, this has been a pretty good week. No catastrophes. No trips to the emergency. It's been pretty good. The weather is too hot, but that's a

Oct 19, 2023

It's Happening!!!

Today I started the last book in my 50-by-50 challenge. There are 18 days to my 50th birthday. My last book claims to have 400 pages, but at least 50 pages of it

Oct 13, 2023

Friday Reads 10/13/2023

Hello there. I apologize for the dearth of posts this week. I couldn't find anything to say. I've only read 3 books so far this month and I only

Oct 6, 2023

Friday Reads 10/6/2023

October!!! Our high temp today is 71 degrees. Hallelujah! I'm a happy little polar bear for a couple of days. It will get back into the 80s next week, but for

Oct 4, 2023

September 2023 Wrap Up Pt. 2

I really thought I would have more to say today than I do. I thought I would just plow through books on my vacation and have a huge list to talk about today.