January 2022 TBR
Time to start a new year! New year, same stinking books! Can the new year start February 10? Anyway, I've got some books for the award that I need to prioritize
I am a book lover, dance teacher, and mom. I work for a large library system where I get to play with lots of books! My shelf of To-Read books is out of control. Help me make it grow!
Time to start a new year! New year, same stinking books! Can the new year start February 10? Anyway, I've got some books for the award that I need to prioritize
What with Christmas Eve and Christmas being what they are, I'm just not getting this out. Don't worry, I didn't read anything at all over those 2
Today's Top 5 Wednesday is Prettiest Covers. That's it. So, I'm going to go with Prettiest Covers That I've Added Recently. I have to narrow
I realize it's only been 10 days since the last update, but I'm getting super click happy with my TBR these days. Away we go! The First 21 by
I went to my award committee meeting this week, and some things might have changed about my reading for the upcoming week. Or maybe not. Dustborn by Erin Bowman - I promised one
At first, I decided not to do this wrap up halfway through the month, but then I finished a fourth book and I decided to go ahead and do it. As usual, I&
Today's Top 5 Wednesday Topic is Books On My Wishlist. I have a shelf on my Goodreads labeled Wishlist. There are over 300 books on that shelf. So, um, I'
Today's Top Ten Tuesday [https://www.thatartsyreadergirl.com/top-ten-tuesday/] post is Books On My Winter TBR. For the purposes of this post, we are going to pretend that winter begins on
I have earned this Friday! What a week! And from what I can tell a lot of people feel the same way. It's been very weird. That being said, I didn&
Look, I realize it's only been 10 days since the last update, but I have been adding books like a madwoman. All the award winners are coming out. All the end-of-year
Today's Top Five Wednesday topic is Books that Exceeded Your Expectations. I went backwards through the books I've read and kept going until I found five books. The Girls
We are in December! I am not ready! Why is it so hard to figure out what to buy people for Christmas!? Why!? Anxiety! What I don't have anxiety about is